Modern Slavery Statement



KYOTO is committed to improving practices to combat slavery and human trafficking.  We are aware that slavery and human trafficking is a real issue in our society and we will not tolerate this within our business or supply chain.

We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships and to support effective systems and controls to ensure that any form of slavery is not taking place in our own business or supply chains.

We are a Manufacturer, Importer and Supplier to the Furniture Industry with our Head Office and Factory based in the UK.  We operate a number of internal policies to ensure that we are conducting our business in an ethical and transparent manner.  These include Business Integrity, Environmental & Ethical, Human Rights, Quality, Occupational Hygiene and Health & Safety.  We also offer a robust Induction Process and we work with employment agencies who are established in ensuring that individuals are eligible and free to work in the UK.  Our open Management System allows employees to raise concerns they may have with regard to practices without fear of reprisal.  Our Health & Safety policy sets out our statutory obligations to ensure that we provide safe systems of work and a healthy working environment providing adequate facilities and arrangements for our employees’ welfare. 

Our supply chains are based throughout the world and include suppliers of raw materials and manufactured product.  We conduct due diligence on all suppliers including the instigation of Ethical Audits and factory visits.  We pride ourselves on the professional relationships we build with our suppliers to ensure our values and legal requirements are adhered to.

Kyoto is instigating a further step in the form of a Supplier Labour Declaration which will be notified to existing and new suppliers outlining our expectations and their obligations in relation to the prohibition of Modern Slavery both within their businesses and supply chains.

This statement is made in respect of the Modern slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Kyoto’s slavery and human trafficking statement.

Nick Cancea
Managing Director
